happy family mother father and kids at home playing on the sofa

Join over 9000 families who are part of our practice

Welcome to Childhealthy
Private paediatrician London

Supporting you to keep your child healthy with easy access to high-quality paediatric care.

Childhealthy is based in London, with conveniently located paediatric clinics. View our private paediatrician London locations here.


We know that hospitals can often be overwhelming for children (and parents) when they visit, so our aim is to make appointments as comfortable, stress-free and straightforward as possible. Our specialist paediatrician clinics provide a warm and friendly environment for children, putting them and you at ease. 

We have clinic appointments available daily at our private paediatrician London locations and can offer same-day appointments with a paediatrician in the clinic whenever you need — including weekends.

Register with us

In order to use our services, we require you to register with us. It's quick and simple to do, please register by clicking the button below.

Dr. Yiannis examining a smiling baby

Meet the Childhealthy Team

Dr Yiannis and Childhealthy’s goal is to provide parents and carers with easy access to high quality private paediatric care, access to multiple specialists and therapists, health advice and education, reassurance and treatment. This is the team who make that possible...

Search our directory

We have launched Childhealthy Pages, a trusted platform for parents to search for private health related services for their children. This replaces the recommended specialists section on our website.

The specialists and services listed in the Childhealthy Pages directory are entirely independent and do not work directly for Childhealthy.

A group of children laughing and smiling

What our patients' mums and dads say

Book your appointment

Click the button below to book your appointment.


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