Child Flu Vaccine

When Is The Flu Vaccine available?
Influenza (Flu) vaccines are usually available from September during the winter and early spring months in the UK, but can be given at other times of the year. In the UK the flu vaccine is available for children over the age of 2 years.
Who should get a flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is recommended for all eligible ages. In the UK, the nasal spray, live attenuated vaccine, is currently available via the NHS from 2 years to 11 years of age. An injection of inactivated flu vaccine is available from 6 months of age, with two doses recommended a minimum of 4 weeks apart for children who have not previously received the vaccine.

Is the flu vaccine nasal spray available to children under 2?
No, infants between the age of 6 months and 2 years can have the inactivate flu vaccine by injection. In the UK this is available via the NHS for children in defined at risk groups, with underlying medical conditions. In the US and other countries this is part of the routine vaccine schedule from 6 months of age. Children over the age of 2 years can also have their vaccination via injection, if the nasal spray is not suitable for them.
How long will the flu vaccine protect my child for?