Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
What is a milk allergy?
Cow’s milk allergy (CMA) is one of the most common food allergies in children.
The two main types of milk allergy are: immediate milk allergy, which involves symptoms presenting just minutes after consuming cow’s milk; and delayed milk allergy, when symptoms begin hours or days after consumption.
Babies who are only drinking breast milk can also be affected because the breast milk contains cow’s milk protein passing through the mother’s diet.

Does my baby have a milk allergy?
There are some typical symptoms which might suggest that your baby has a milk allergy. These include: very loose and explosive poos, blood in poos, tummy ache, unexplained crying, constipation, vomiting and reflux and eczema.
Symptoms that occur rapidly such as swelling around the face, red itchy rash on face and body, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing necessitate seeking immediate medical attention.
What to do if my baby has a milk allergy?
If you are concerned your baby has a milk allergy a medical assessment is needed. Depending on whether the symptoms suggest an immediate or delayed milk allergy and the age of your baby, allergy testing (skin tests and/or blood tests) may be needed. Mothers may be asked to remove all cow’s milk products from their diet if breastfeeding and formula fed infants require a special formula for infants with milk allergy.

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