Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your enquiry relating to Coronavirus (Covid-19).
The practice continues to receive many enquiries on this subject, which is understandable given the extensive media coverage. Both as a parent and your paediatrician, I fully understand these concerns.
The current evidence from abroad is reassuring in terms of how children are affected by this illness. National guidance on isolation and social distancing is aimed at reducing transmission to the most vulnerable in the elderly population. A recent statement from the President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health summarises this below:
‘The evidence from China now suggests that children probably contract the virus as much as adults and the elderly but experience milder or no symptoms. This is confirmed by colleagues in Italy. We still see no evidence of vertical transmission or of congenital malformations, but it is still very early days. While this is reassuring, children with symptoms are likely to shed considerable viral load. Practising the highest standards of infection control is essential to protect yourself.’
Professor Russel Viner, President RCPCH.
The current situation is that children and adults cannot be tested for the virus in private hospitals. This is, of course, subject to change and we continue to follow national guidance.
Advice is updated regularly and up to date advice can be found at
Other trusted resources include:
UK Great Ormond Street Hospital:
If you are uncertain whether to attend the clinic, would prefer a telephone consultation or home visit, please contact us as usual and our office will advise you.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Yiannis
Dr Yiannis Ioannou and the practice management team